IATA Live Animals Regulations 51st Edition 2025 (LAR).
What’s inside the LAR?
The LAR covers animal transport of all kinds and contains comprehensive information about the requirements for protected and endangered species as lab animals, livestock and domestic animals.
- Applicability (shipper and carrier responsibilities, training, combatting illegal trade)
- Government regulations (general and variations by country)
- Carrier regulations (general, variations by carrier, airline contact information and AVI services)
- Reservations and advance arrangements (schedules, routing, interline advance, delivery, accompanying persons)
- Animal behaviour (general, disturbance, segregation, sedation, euthanasia, in-flight environment)
- Listing, description and species size (taxonomy, alphabetical list, description and size)
- Documentation (shipper’s certification, waybill, captain notification, CITES documents, other documents, live animal acceptance checklist)
- Container requirements (general, stocking density, marking, labeling)
- Handling (animal acceptance, ground handling, loading, feeding and watering, captain’s advice, health and hygiene, OIE recommendations)
- CITES (general, documentation, list of states, management authorities by country, Article XI, combatting illegal trade)
- Life science logistics for lab animals (health status, animal type and number, species, and container considerations)
What is new in the 2025 IATA Live Animals Regulations?
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